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The Top 5 Reasons to Sign Up for a Zamzar Account

When we built Zamzar, we wanted to make our free file conversion service as good as it possibly can be. However, we know that some users will want to convert more files, at bigger sizes, and do it all much more quickly. The good news is that for those users we offer an upgraded premium experience with our paid accounts.

What does a paid account get you?

We offer three different types of plan, all with great features to help you convert your files quickly and easily. Here are the top 5 reasons (plus one bonus reason) to sign up for a paid account:

1. You get unlimited file conversions

All of our paid accounts give you unlimited file conversions, compared with two file conversions per 24 hours with our free service. This is ideal for converting files in bulk. So if you’re wanting to convert a photo album off your iPhone into JPGs, or old files from a hard drive you’ve got that you’re now unable to open, then unlimited file conversions will be exactly what you need. Having unlimited conversions also allows you to experiment with different file types if you’re not sure what format you need to convert to, and to amend any errors you’ve noticed in the original file once your conversion has completed. For example, if you notice a spelling mistake in your converted PDF document, you can go back and correct it in your original document and then reconvert to a PDF – without fretting you’re going to run out of conversions.

2. You can convert much larger files

We appreciate that sometimes you’ll need to convert files that are bigger than 50MB in size and our free plan might not be sufficient. By signing up to a paid account, you’ll be able to convert files up to 200MB, 400MB, or 2GB in size – up to 40 times the file size limit of the free service. An HD video can be anywhere upwards of 128MB, and we’ve all been sent PDFs, Word documents, presentations and spreadsheets that have blown our mailboxes! The increased file size limit of the paid plans will allow you to be able to easily convert these large files without delay.

3. You get a personal Zamzar inbox

Not only can you convert bigger files and more of them, but you can also store all of those files in your own personal inbox hosted on our site. You can use it to rename, delete, re-convert or download any of your files, or to send your files on to friends using the share functionality. So, if you’re running low on space on your own computer, then you’ll be pleased to hear you can get online storage of up to 100GB, which is 33,000 pictures, 20,000 songs, 200 hours of video or 100 of your old external hard drives from your younger days! The layout of your Zamzar inbox allows you to quickly search for files and order them in a way that suits you. With a personal inbox, you can also download converted files when it’s convenient for you.

4. You can convert files more quickly

Signing up to a paid account also means your whole experience will be that much quicker. All subscribers have their files converted before users of the free service. As soon as your files are uploaded, they go straight to the front of the queue! What’s more, subscribers can download their files up to 5 times faster than free users – subscriber files are stored on a super-fast content delivery network so that, no matter where you are in the world, you get your files at lightning quick speeds.

5. You can convert more files in one go

With a paid account you can also upload more files at once – up to 100 at once with our top plan. If, for example, you have a photo album that you want to convert, you don’t have to convert the album one picture at a time. Instead, you can upload up to 100 pictures at once and convert all of those pictures in bulk. You’ll also be able to download up to 100 converted pictures in one go from your Zamzar inbox, which is a real time-saver.

Bonus feature: You get priority support from our team

A paid account also means priority access to our support team. So if anything goes wrong, or you need some help with a conversion, you can simply drop us a message and we’ll help you get your files converted to the formats you need.

How do I sign up?

Do you want to access these great features for yourself? Then simply head to our sign up page, where you can select the account-type that’s right for you.

How long am I locked in for?

You can sign up for just one month if that’s all you need. Once signed up, you can either email our support team to cancel your account at any time, or do it yourself from your account section on our site. You’ll be able to keep using the account until the end of the period you’ve already paid for.

How much does it cost?

Our three plans are called Basic, Pro and Business, with each plan offering flavours of the features above. Our pricing page shows our current pricing and the benefits of each plan. And you can save money by opting for annual (instead of monthly) billing.

Whether you’re using our free service or our paid service, our goal is always to make file conversion easy. Happy converting!

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